Saturday, 31 October 2015

And Stretch.

Containment Fields
And Fences.
I can’t hold my neck up.
Without my rings

Dressing down
Stopping up
Finger Dyking
Waiting staunch
Button up
To the neck
Soiled hands
Busy work

Hair growing
Springing and
Bursting forth
Arcing freely
Stretch to the
Outer limits
Of the edges
Your body.
Keep Going
Into the
Echoes of
The Echoes.


Tuesday, 29 September 2015


Skinny wafer
Paper dry
And Sunken.
Shiny, stretched
Animal skin.
Drum like,
Concave shadows,
Bones and angles
My breath whistles
My depleted body;
A tumbleweed
In a ghost town.
What embodies me now
If not flesh or blood?
Everything is retreating,
Shutting down.
My mirror image
Laughs cadaverous,
As I hollow out.
Cavernous holes form
On the landscape of my pelvis.
The hills of my breasts retreat
And retreat again,
Much to my delight.
Is there a space for my spirit?
A receptacle for my essence?
Will my personality step out for a minute
To buy some milk and cigarettes
And not return?
Perhaps leaving me
Desert like devoid
Voided and depleted.
My ovaries are tiny nuggets
Fossils showing the life they
Could once supply.
I hold that golden key,
But here on in
I am Mussolini.
Nothing alights my tongue
Unless I give permission
And I don’t give permission.
Is my smile hideous
And crazed?
A laughing skull?

I am at one with this.

Good better best,
Never let it rest,
Until your good is better,
And your better

Is best.

Monday, 28 September 2015


The end of the world
Will not be fast
No explosions
No kind, quick finish.
Biblical and spectacular.
Look out the window
Of your climate-controlled
And witness it now
As the birds sing
The sun shines
And pop music plays on the radio
An apocalypse is happening
With every straw found
In the gullet of an aquatic bird,
With every metre of greying coral
With every striking off the list of
Another extinct species.
A rheumy bloom is spilling
Edging forward and encroaching
The planet looks sick
A vulnerable
Preciousness, pleading
And we pull down the shutters
Don the Aviators
Put our hands over our ears and sing
La la la la la
And enjoy the mild weather.
It’s easy to ignore.
Listen little human
Who has inherited the world,
You are entitled to nothing
This gift of our evolution
Has rendered us maniacs
Killing, marauding, pillaging
When we have come to our senses
Too late,
And the leavings of the party are strewn
We maniacs will expect the Earth to
Open her arms to the prodigal son
Allow us to prostrate ourselves
Demand forgiveness
Bandage gashes
Sing a lullaby.
Too late.
I fear,
Too late.
Will we be orbiting flotsam
Universal waste
Washed up,
I pray there is time.
But I’m frightened
That there isn’t.
I look down
At my perfect five year old
And look for the answer.
And know there is always
Hope at the bottom of

Pandora’s Box.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015


I let you whisper in my ear when we’re out
And I smile conspiratorially.
Together we are untouchable.
My heart rattles the beat of us

In the sun in the car
With the beach and
Our music speeding toward a house full
Of towels and sundresses
We smell of sunblock

And my sunberry skin
I, slicked with salt, I
And a spattering of sand
With sunned in strap marks
On my neck.

You peel away my
Still damp bikini top
 To see my tiny cold nipple
And warm it with your mouth
Everything is there
My whole world is inside your
Warm mouth.

As the sun sinks our
 Sunburn ascends with
Prickle warmth, itchy
And memory laden
I haven’t been burnt
Since childhood
It is a good pain

I slip between cold sheets
And we lock legs
You palm my belly
My body arches and we slide into a knot
That reaches all the places

And we knotted find
Our own rhythm
The back and forward of love, of lust of
Pleasure of need

And we gently increase
Our speed our muscles harden
I notice a bead of sweat
On your brow
And I think about
Licking it off

I let you quicken
I feel you fatten and plump
You open your mouth and your
Cry coils into mine

What is this moment?
This coming of us?
How loud and unabashed
We are never more vulnerable
Or more beautiful than
When locked in fleeting ecstasy.

My skin is perfumed with you
I have scented your hands
We have cross-pollinated
And we lay
Basking in that
Ancient ache
Dropping into a satisfying
